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Mariana Costa's journey is just getting started,  learn how she has gotten this far! 




Mariana Costa isn't like anyone you have ever met before. If you have seen her, you'll remember her by her shining personality. If you have worked with her, you'll recall her pioneering spirit. When you ask those who know her, their stories confirm her individuality; her innate ability to share, her enthusiasm and her joy as she discovers her passion for coaching, all while uniting others to take on the impossible.  





Mariana was born in Brazil with an asthma condition so severe, she was hospitalized for months as she fought for her life. This surviving nature has been engraved into her ever since. Her mother and father discovered singing as a natural way to cope with this condition and by the age of fourteen, Mariana had won her first singing contest performing Hero by Mariah Carey, in her hometown Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. This sparked her interest to read and speak English. When it was time for a new chapter and the opportunity presented itself only two years later, Mariana was ready to embrace a new page.

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The next stage of Mariana's life began on Cape Cod, where she discovered herself as an entrepreneur and embraced a new culture, a different language, and a big dream. Inspired by her desire to speak English fluently, Mariana accompanied her mother in her move to the U.S. in 2001. A few months later, Mariana's mother had to return to their hometown. Would Mariana return with her mother and leave behind all she had dreamed to become?



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Today, DREAM International is rooted in one single principle. Having a dream to Mariana is like having a superpower, a passion that pushes one through the most challenging obstacles. Mariana knows that everything starts with a dream, a light that comes from within that reminds us that the juice is worth the squeeze, empowering the dreamer to see a problem as an opportunity to create a solution with a pioneering outlook. Mariana was not ready to return to a life she didn’t feel would enable her to grow to her fullest potential. After all, she was days away from turning eighteen, with $100 in her pocket and a big dream to achieve. The opportunities were endless, and she was ready to embrace her journey ahead.






Mariana's work ethic came to play in the early days, shortly after her mother's departure. She managed to work four to five jobs at a time, first as a housekeeper, and after learning enough English to become a babysitter, she took overnight shifts. Only a few months later, Mariana was able to add waiting tables at breakfast time to her work schedule and managed to become the hostess at a restaurant in Chatham in the evenings, all while working the early morning shifts at a coffee shop nearby. Her love for nature, the changes of seasons, the long white sandy beaches, and the trails of Cape Cod embraced her daring spirit. She wanted to self-discover more than anything, and she knew she could build a life worth living here. That is exactly what she intended to do, to take one step at a time towards her dream.







What Mariana didn’t know was that - on a seemingly common working day - her life was about to change forever. While cleaning a home, Mariana noticed a check for $38,000 sitting on the kitchen island. This single check represented her entire income that year. At such a young age, it never crossed Mariana's mind that a career path could give her all the freedom to grow as far as she could see until it presented itself right before her eyes as an opportunity of a lifetime. Did she take it?







How did she master the art of relationships in such a way, that her own clients are responsible for her ability to continue expanding her company, brand, services, and vision all over the world? To that, there is no short answer. It most certainly didn't happen overnight. She has dedicated nearly two decades to one mission: bringing dreams to reality. Today, she is the Founder & CEO of DREAM International, currently hosting three divisions offering a diverse menu of services, which her clients love to pick and choose from when working with Mariana and her team.






If you have the opportunity to ask Mariana what she attributes her success to, her answer inspires us to believe that each one of us contains a power within. You may leave one of her keynote events inspired to take action aligned with your purpose, or you may find it's time for you to pursue discovering why you are here and what you are meant to do next. Combining speaking avenues and a leveraged follow-up program, Mariana can connect agents and professionals from all over the world to her clients, giving her team, her partners, and her clients access to opportunities one can only dream possible. 





In her upcoming book, Leverage Your DREAM, Mariana intends to share her story, her journey, and her inspirations while sharing the struggles and lessons that enabled her to inspire and transform lives all around the world. Her story will continue to inspire thousands of dreamers, leaders, and service seekers globally, looking to make a difference in their lives while inspiring others to embrace the power of being purposeful and turning dreams into reality!




Mariana's ability to connect is incomparable: this is why her business has continued to grow by word of mouth. In order to keep up with the number of referrals she receives, Mariana has designed her very own DREAM Systems and built partnerships with "The Best Of The Best" all over the world. "It’s a true collaboration of masterminds sharing a keen passion for service and contribution", Mariana says. This constant connection allows her to maintain a first-class level of an à la carte services menu her clients love. Mariana continues to focus on empowering many to live on purpose. This is what ultimately matters most to Mariana, to inspire people just like you to embrace all you can become, and live your very own dream.



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